We all strive to feel happy, free from pain and suffering. We cherish the moments when we feel vigor and vitality, and wish it to never end. When we are in these balanced states, time is timeless, life is magical, and innocence evolves, opening for each moment being fresh and new. This state of health awakens our awareness, and we live in consciousness, not conscience. This, we can say, is a form of enlightenment.

The ancient philosophy of Yoga, seemed to have spread like wild fire in the past few decades, giving people natural tools for healing the body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda, translated as the science of life and longevity, is said to be the sister science to yoga, and considered by many scholars, to be the oldest natural medical system known to man. Yogi’s, since time immemorial, have used Ayurveda to stay healthy and fit, to do their practices of postures (asanas), breathing (pranayama) and meditation. Ayurveda prescribes yoga for preventative and curative remedies, helping to naturally reestablish order in the psychophysical body. Together, these two sciences have the same aim, and that is to realize who we truly are and to be free.
It is a beautiful unique dance that each individual has with the universe. Ayurveda does not see one human being the same in makeup and structure. The whole play of the universe is made up of the five elements; ether/space, air, fire, water and earth, and because we are part of that play, we, too, are made up of each element, but in unique proportion. This makes this medicine a not “one size fits all.” When we know our make up, we have a romantic “dance” with the universe. A rhythmic and sensuous dance with all relationships, (most importantly with ourselves), with society and with the environment.
To know is to experience, and Ayurveda is the dance of the doshas.
I loved reading this blog, Isvari. The more I have put Ayurveda into play in my life, the more rich life has become. it has been a better quality of life, FOR SURE🦋