Liability Waiver & Release
Complimentary therapy is not a substitution for medical treatment.The information and therapy session does not include a diagnosis. I hereby, accept full responsibility for my actions taken by myself concerning any foods, complimentary medicine remedies, herbs, supplements, exercise, and educational therapies suggested or recommended by Mary Ann (Isvari) Johnson.
I acknowledge that I am seeking complementary therapy in form of lifestyle, educational, nutritional, advice, and/or recommendations, not a medical treatment. Under no circumstances, should any suggestions be taken as a diagnosis or direction against a licensed physical or mental healthcare professional. I acknowledge any treatment, formula and other advice, is not intended to supplement or to be perceived as a recommendation or advice to stop taking any prescribed medicine, or terminate any medical treatments I am undergoing. I also understand that incase of an emergency, I have to contact my local hospital or primary care physician.
I herby, on behalf of myself and my heirs, executors, administrators, waive, release, revise, discharge and hold harmless, Mary Ann (Isvari) Johnson from any liability resulting from any possible damages or loss during, any treatment or consultation. I hereby assume all risks of personal injury, or any other damages which may result from such consultation or treatment.
I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Waiver and Release, and fully understand that it is a waiver, disclosure, consent for services and release of liability.
If you agree with these terms, please complete the form below. Get a PDF of this waiver.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi