About Ayurveda
Healing Medicine for Mind Body Spirit
What makes a science?
Science is sequential, methodical and practical. Ayurveda emanates all three. It is a system consisting of natural methods for preventative care and for healing 'dis-ease.'
In India, Ayurveda has eight branches of medicine, and has been practiced as one of their main medical systems for thousands of years. The eight branches are:
Internal Medicine
Ears, Nose, Throat
The knowledge contained in Ayurveda deals with the nature, scope, and purpose of life, and includes its metaphysical and physical aspects - health and disease, happiness and sorrow, pain and pleasure.
There are numerous avenues to take for healing, and for preventive care, which makes Ayurveda so rich. "Let food by your medicine, and medicine be your food," says Hypocrites. That statement rings true in Ayurveda.
Herbs, the whole system of yoga therapy, different forms of body treatments and massage, aromatherapy, sound therapy, color therapy, vibrational therapy, energy work such as Marma therapy (acupressure points), cleansing therapy called Pancha Karma, and rejuvenation therapy, to name a few, are modalities used for preventative care or returning to better health.
Partnerships in Ayurveda
For the past 28 years, I have dedicated my life to spreading the word and my love of Ayurveda, Massage and Yoga. My position as director of Ayurveda for the Sivananda Yoga Ranch in the Catskill mountains of New York, has been a delightful experience. A perfect place for retreat and rejuvenation.
I helped get the Well Being Center at the Yoga Retreat in Nassau, established and served many years as a practitioner and bodyworker there.
I am also honored to be on faculty for the past 8 years for Dr. Lad’s, Vasant Institute of Ayurveda (VIOA) in Pune, India, where seasoned aspirants study with him, in the Gurukula program.
So many interesting learning experiences and stories to share.